Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bucket List

THE Ultimate

  1. Go see your favorite band in concert
  2. Go on a random vacation anywhere in the world point at the map and go.
  3. Meet your favorite rock star live and back stage
  4. Stay in a 5star hotel and order room service and eat in bed
  5. Create a time capsule and put a cell phone in it leave it a voice mail for someone in the future.
  6. Create a random web site talk about what ever you want and not care what other people think.
  7. Test drive or rent a car that is to expensive for you to really buy
  8. Visit all seven wonders of the world
  9. Find out what happened to all of your best friends from high school (right them down now so you don't forget)
  10. Stand on the top of the empire state building
  11. Visit all the theme parks in the state you live in (yes National parks count to)
  12. Give $1,000 to a random charity.
  13. Enjoy you life to the fullest


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