Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well school is out and summer is in but for the school board the year is really just getting started. The school board has some really tough decisions to make like what programs to cut what teachers to "dismiss" and what electives will stay in effect. I'm sure a lot of you have heard that sports is on the top of the list of cuts and as parents and students there is not a whole lot we can do. But what i suggest is that students write letters to the school board explaining you thoughts and opinions get involved and don't take the back seat on this issue let you voice be heard SPEAK UP!! Parents all through high school you were able to go to the home coming games and Friday night football games but if you have a child in high school or entering high school they may not get the chance to do those things. Juniors and Seniors prom for next year the ticket price alone can bury you and then you have to add the price of a tux or dress and don't forget gas money. Education is the most important thing in life besides family and for the state and the country is putting education second and that is not fair to the students. So SPEAK UP let our voices be heard. So go out there write letters to our congress men and to the school board.

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